MBA of LaLiga

Technological and digital innovation at your fingertips

October 18, 2022, Madrid

LaLiga, through its Education Department, LaLiga Business School, designed a program capable of combining new technologies, innovation with the world of sports and entertainment, the MBA of LaLiga.

In recent years LaLiga has positioned itself as one of the most important companies in the Sports and Entertainment Industry, a large part of this is its continuous commitment to innovation, new technologies and its ability to create and distinguish new market trends.

In order to manage one of the most important global sports competitions, it is necessary to be always up to date and ahead of the market, so, through its Education Department, LaLiga Business School, designed a program capable of combining new technologies, innovation and the world of sports and entertainment, the MBA of LaLiga.

A global and innovative MBA, as it is the first MBA focused on specifically uniting sports and entertainment, treating them as a unique and global business. LaLiga Business School provides you with the tools and knowledge necessary to perfectly manage one of the most competitive and dynamic industries in the world. An exclusive program, with only 25 places, in order to provide the most personalized treatment possible, with which to inspire and challenge those who compose it.

Therefore, one of the main pillars of the MBA of LaLiga is to get the most out of the new dimensions of the Industry, in terms of technology, digital transformation, digital strategies or competitive gaming. Specifically dedicating a module of the program, which is divided into four main blocks,

Digital Transformation: Digital Economy, Business Management Models, New Management Skills, Web Services applied to Sports Entities and eCommerce.
New Digital Technologies: Cloud, Blockchain, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Digital Strategy in Sports: Big Data and Fan Engagement
Competitive Gaming and eSports