Students Testimonials

Testimony 4: María José Silva

August 25, 2022, Madrid

Despite having been in the industry for several years, I wanted to continue learning what are the main trends, who are the main "Decision Makers" in Sports Marketing.

María José Silva, Head for LaLiga Experience and Activations in the Audivosual area. shares with us her experience at LaLiga Business School and Master in Global Sports Marketing.

The Master in Global Sports Marketing allows students to know and understand the functioning of the Sports and Entertainment Industry both globally and internationally from multiple points of view such as Clubs, Agencies, Broadcasters, Events or Media.

Despite having been in the industry for several years, I wanted to continue learning what are the main trends, who are the main "Decision Makers" in Sports Marketing and learn from different properties and competitions, not only soccer" "It has allowed me to make a great networking with the main players in the industry and learn how the strategies are implemented in the different competitions" "It has allowed me to make a great networking with the main players in the industry and learn how the strategies are implemented in the different competitions".

Thank you very much for trusting and being part of LaLiga Business School, we hope to see you soon!

You can watch the full video here!