Students Testimonials

Testimony 3: Íñigo González

August 17, 2022, Madrid

The MBA of LaLiga allowed me to combine my career knowledge with the Sports and Entertainment industry, which was my dream since I was a child,

Íñigo González, from the International Department, Plan Impulso, shares with us his experiences at LaLiga Business School and the MBA of LaLiga.

The MBA program prepares students to face the Sports and Entertainment Industry, a sector with exponential growth potential. The big drivers of this change will be Digital Transformation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship both outside and inside the institutions.

"The MBA of LaLiga allowed me to combine the knowledge of the career with the Sports and Entertainment industry which was my dream since I was a child", "On a personal level it has allowed me to develop at a speed that I would not have been able to acquire otherwise".

Thank you for being part of LaLiga Business School, youth and energy at the service of LaLiga We look forward to seeing you soon!