Master in Football Management, Methodology and Analysis

Specialist in Sports Management

October 24, 2022, Madrid

The "Máster en Dirección, Metodología y Análisis en el Fútbol" was created with the aim of training direct talent for clubs, such as technical secretaries, youth academy directors, analysts or sports directors.

The "Máster en Dirección, Metodología y Análisis en el Fútbol" was created with the aim of training direct talent for clubs, in terms of technical secretaries, youth academy directors, analysts or sports directors. To this end, the program is designed to offer a complete vision of the clubs, knowing the different models that exist. Based on talent and organization as a model of success.

One of the most important figures within the structure of a club is the figure of the Sports Director, a very well known position, but what functions does a Sports Director really perform? With the "Máster en Dirección, Metodología y Análisis en el Fútbol" you will learn all the competencies and skills, developing the necessary abilities to be able to lead, plan, design, organize and manage a real sports project of a soccer club.

A program designed to provide you with the best working tools and the necessary knowledge that a good sports director should know. Legal, financial or communication strategy aspects, as fundamental tools to complete the sports training and its impact of Sports Marketing.

A training provided by the best professionals in the Sports Industry, who live the day to day of the sport, in their respective positions, directors of grassroots soccer, sports directors, sports project coordinators, responsible for analysis and scouting or directors of institutional relations in professional clubs.

An education focused on the importance of new technologies applied to the direction, organization and sports management.

In order to provide a complete education, LaLiga Business School goes beyond the classroom, providing a real vision of the industry, taking advantage of visits to different LaLiga Clubs, where students face real case studies and work tutored by industry professionals.

For more information about the "Máster en Dirección, Metodología y Análisis en el Fútbol", and its admission process, click here.


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