Students Testimonials

Interview with Álvaro Coso (Master's Student in Law)

August 28, 2023, Madrid

"My experience at LaLiga Business School was one of the best I had throughout my academic life. I must say that I highlight not only the quality of the speakers but also the fact that LLBS managed to create a fantastic human group."

Tell us a bit about your previous experience before LLBS and what motivated you to pursue a Master's in Sports Law at LaLiga.

Response: Well, my previous experience before LaLiga was at RPB Legal, a law firm specializing in sports and entertainment law, right after completing my law degree. I was fortunate that the partner lawyer of this firm wanted to have me on board. I proposed the idea of doing my internship there, and he agreed to let me carry it out with him until September of last year.

What motivated me to pursue the LaLiga Master's? Well, I was clear that I wanted to focus my professional career in the sports field. After completing my law degree, a fantastic opportunity arose to align both my professional and academic careers in this area. Additionally, a colleague from the firm had previously taken the LaLiga Master's and provided me with more information about it.

My professional career path was inclined towards this field because I'm passionate about sports. Ultimately, the world of law and legal matters also interests me, given that it's what I've studied. This Master's was a perfect way to combine my studies with my interests, specifically in the sports sector, which I'm passionate about.



What was your experience at LLBS like? What would you highlight about your speakers, peers, and trips?

Response: My experience at LaLiga Business School was one of the best I had throughout my academic life. I must say that I highlight not only the quality of the speakers but also the fact that LLBS managed to create a fantastic human group. Moreover, it offered not only trips but also visits that were very well organized in relation to our studies. These were opportunities that LLBS provided us, and if we had done it on our own, we wouldn't have had access to these experiences.

I'd like to emphasize the quality of the speakers, who were true authorities in the field of Sports Law. They were excellent professionals in their fields, and having the opportunity to converse with them, hear their opinions, and gain insights into laws, regulations, and practical cases was truly enriching.

Regarding my peers, as I mentioned earlier, the human group was perfect. Even though we recently completed the Master's, I'm still in good contact with many of them. I hope that in the future, who knows, I might work with some of them and continue to foster both professional and friendship relationships.



What role did LLBS play during your selection process with the Club? What support did they provide?

Response: The support I received from LaLiga Business School was very consistent. Any questions or issues I had during the process were resolved immediately, especially thanks to the assistance of the coordinator, Daniel Cámara. In that regard, I'm very satisfied with the help they provided.

The role that LLBS played in my job search turned out to be fundamental. It was them who made the position at Sevilla Football Club available to the Master's students. I'm immensely grateful to LLBS for offering us that opportunity, and I'm delighted to have experienced being part of one of Spain's most prominent and internationally recognized sports companies, Sevilla Football Club. I'm truly content with the entire process.



What are your responsibilities at Sevilla FC? How have you applied what you learned during the Master's to your work?

Response: At the moment, the responsibilities I have at Sevilla Football Club are, to be honest, a great learning opportunity. I learn from the professionals around me, such as Antonio Rosado and José María Talegón, who request my support on contractual and operational administrative law matters. Ultimately, I'm also available to assist them whenever they need it.

Regarding what I learned in the Master's, during this training, we faced situations that are applicable to companies in the sports sector and that we must put into practice in our respective roles, no matter where we end up. We analyzed situations related to FIFA regulations, Spanish sports federations, the Spanish Football Federation, and Spain's special laws. In this sense, I apply the knowledge gained in the Master's in various areas. This ranges from drafting arguments to reviewing contracts between the club and third parties and handling contractual and administrative situations within the club.



What will you take away from LLBS? What was the most important part of this stage of your education?

Response: In the end, the most valuable thing for me was sharing those moments with exceptional professionals and my Master's peers. Who knows if in the future we'll need each other's support, and that's also one of the opportunities that LLBS provides: the possibility to establish a network not only with teachers and speakers but also with other professionals you meet during the program, and even with your own peers. In the end, you never know who you'll cross paths with.

In summary, what I particularly highlight are those interactions, especially those experienced during the trips. As I mentioned before, these trips contributed to the formation of a fantastic human group. I hold onto all these experiences, which undoubtedly form an unforgettable part of my time at LaLiga Business School.